Game # 1: Missing the Mark
“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”(Romans 6:23)
A large plywood prop is avaiable for this first game. The child is given coins and the leader explains this represents 'wages' the aim is to throw
the coin (wages) at a bulls eye target while reciting:
A portable version has been designed to enable this programme to be taken to the Mission Field as far as Africa.
CLICK to see the FunTastic Fun Fair in Africa |
Child 3 dressed as Jesus with the Bridge Track –one for each child. The children receive the Bridge Track from ‘Jesus’ who says but the gift of God is eternal life “In Christ Jesus our Lord.” The child repeats the verse in total. “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23) At the end of each game the child is given a track. |
The Bridge Track They can take this home and colour it, there are blank versions for the children to use in class and fill in the spaces. The children of Mount Zion's Mission did a wonderful job assisting us with Visual Aids for the outreach in Haiti |
CLICK to view Game #2
Emmerton Children's Outreach | Emmerton FunTastic Fun Fairh |
Emmerton Face Painting | Emmerton Samaritans Purse distribution |