Children's Evangelism Game #4

Bible Verse

Jesus tells us to:

“Be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect.”

(Matthew 5:48)
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Children's Evangelism Outreach

Game #4: Perfection Test

Jesus tells us to

“Be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect.”

(Matthew 5:48)

Draw a circular zig zag line on the ground with chalk or tape. Place a plastic egg on the child's head. The child recites the verse as they follow the line on the ground. The egg will fall from their head point out that no one is perfect

(A large seed can substituted)

At the end of Game 4 the child is given a little Bible verse to take with them as their reward this verse has a egg to remind the child of the Perfection Egg test they just failed!

There must be a different way - God's way.

CLICK to view Game #5

Mount Zion's Missions Outreach Ministries
Deacons Farm's Pastor Rev Elvis
Eden Lodge Apostolic Ministry's Pastor Rev Gail
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