Bible Verse
Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved
(Acts 16: 31)
Saving Faith is not just knowing about God in your head.... Saving Faith is not just temporary, Saving Faith is trusting in Jesus ALONE for our eternal life. Back toChildren's Evangelism IndexGame #7: Life Savior
Child #1 reads the story line... "Once upon a time there was a little boy that lived on an island and he loved to sail. So one day he made a boat" (Child 2 sits in the boat and pretends to be sailing) "And he went out
sailing." |
All off a sudden the wind started to blow...(Child 3 flap the white cloth) and the sea got very rough (Child 4 flap the blue cloth) and the boat began to sink. Even without a boat the children can pretend they are sailing and sinking! Seen here is Haiti 2017
(Child 2 pretends to sink) But along came a life boat and offered the
little boy a life savior. |
(Child 5 dressed like Jesus throws the
life saviour over the boys head saying “Believe in the
Lord Jesus, and you will be saved …” ) |
At the end of Game 7 the child is given a little Bible verse to take with them it has the life savor to remind the children of the Lifeboat skit. |
Jesus says ‘I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in…” (Rev 3:20) |