Apostle Dr Lucille Baird, the facilitator of the Impacting Our Communities project, said
"The guys are really concerned about the stigma [and] they don’t know what to do to stop the stigma. They believe a lot of the times it is other persons from other neighbourhoods who are coming into their neighbourhoods and causing it to have a bad name. They are feeling very victimized and they can’t seem to be able to help themselves.”
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Barbados Today
Mount Zion's Mission is committed to reaching out to these Communities with the love of God, Empowered by the Holy Spirit and walking in the Righteousness of God.
Friday night's message was brought by Rev John Carter, national Coordinator for Samaritans Purse,
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Email: mzm.ministries@gmail.com
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Bank address: Independence Square
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Tel: (246) 431-5700
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Account name: Mount Zion's Missions Inc
Account number: 068062762002
Bank Code: 006