• Mount Zion's Missions Inc Barbados 
        Foursquare Church June 21st 2020 message
  • Mount Zion's Missions Inc Barbados 
        Foursquare Church June 21st 2020 message
  • Mount Zion's Missions Inc Barbados 
        Foursquare Church June 21st 2020 message
  • Mount Zion's Missions Inc Barbados 
        Foursquare Church June 21st 2020 message

June 21st 2020

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1. Jamari Griffith - June 26th
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Minister Pat and Frederick Hall

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June 21st 2020 Sermon Notes

Apostle Dr. Lucille Baird Speaker: Apostle Dr. Lucille Baird

Theme: Oh that men would look to God

Text: Luke 23:39-43 and Luke 19:1-10

Turn your eyes towards Jesus

Luke 23: 39-43 (NKJV)

39 Then one of the criminals who were hanged blasphemed Him, saying, “If You are the Christ, save Yourself and us.” 40 But the other, answering, rebuked him, saying, “Do you not even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation? 41 And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds; but this Man has done nothing wrong.”

42 Then he said to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.” 43 And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.”

Oh that men would get Jesus’ attention because Jesus has the ability this day to change your circumstances. He never gives empty promises.

Today Jesus is still in the middle of your situation. He died for the whole world. There are two types of men that He died for, the one that turns to Jesus and says Jesus, Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom. This thief was nailed to the cross but he could still turn his eyes to the man in the middle then he opened his mouth to speak to the man in the middle.

Before that day this same man would have been in a jail cell contemplating how bad is life was, he had stolen and now he was paying the price, maybe he was wishing there was somebody that he could meet that could help him. On the cross he must have thought this was the end. If only he had another chance. Many men are in this same situation. But we have good news, Jesus is still in the middle and He is reaching out to you. This penitent thief was the first person to go to Paradise with Jesus. He made it in at the right time, his season had come. God is ready today to take you from darkness into light.

Look to Him don’t miss this opportunity. Jesus did not love one person more than anyone else He loved both thieves but only one looked to Him. Jesus is still appealing to men, they are the priests of God. That is why we have so many problems because the men are not in their right place as priests in the home to their family. Mothers do a great job but children need fathers.

Two men next to the Saviour, one was delivered and one went to hell. You have a choice.

Luke 19:1-10

Here was another thief, but Jesus did not care what was important was that both these men looked to Jesus Then Jesus entered and passed through Jericho. 2 Now behold, there was a man named Zacchaeus who was a chief tax collector, and he was rich. 3 And he sought to see who Jesus was, but could not because of the crowd, for he was of short stature. 4 So he ran ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see Him, for He was going to pass that way. 5 And when Jesus came to the place, He looked up and saw him, and said to him, “Zacchaeus, make haste and come down, for today I must stay at your house.” 6 So he made haste and came down, and received Him joyfully. 7 But when they saw it, they all complained, saying, “He has gone to be a guest with a man who is a sinner.”

8 Then Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord, I give half of my goods to the poor; and if I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore fourfold.”

9 And Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because he also is a son of Abraham; 10 for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”

The first man looked to Jesus, here Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus but it was Jesus that looked to him. Jesus knew the spot where you are hiding. Jesus knew his name, he didn’t not have to guess Jesus knew his name. There was an immediate response. Jesus said , “Zacchaeus, make haste and come down, for today I must stay at your house.” So many people are up in the tree they are far from God, just spectators with no relationship with God. In both cases their lives were changed that same day.

God wants to hang with men, he wants men that will get out of the tree and get close to Jesus. God wants to have a personal relationship with men. He knows your know, He knows were you are hiding out, when God changes your life, He will change the life of all the people that have been affected by Zacchaeus stealing from them. Because once Zacchaeus’ life was changed then he repaid all that he had stolen. He was willing to say he was sorry, God wants you to be changed from the inside out. When God touches a Zacchaeus he touches an entire community. Zacchaeus made haste and came down, and received Him joyfully. Jesus wanted to hang with Zacchaeus, the very man that no one wanted to be around. But when they saw it, they all complained, saying, “He has gone to be a guest with a man who is a sinner.” Jesus wanted to go to his house He did not care how bad a sinner he was.

Have the best Fathers Day, oh that men would look to God, oh that they would cry out to God like the thief on the cross, oh that they would hand their home over to Jesus so He can come and have fellowship in your home. Let Him dine in your house, He will teach you how to be the best father. Oh that men would look to Jesus today.
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