une 16th 2019 Sermon Notes:
Speaker: Apostle Lucille Baird
Theme: The characteristics of man.
Text: 1 Samuel 30:
We need fathers now more than ever.
We need fathers who would stand up and fight for their sons and daughters.
God has called the man to be the priest of his house.
God is looking for men who would be broken before him and cry out for our nation.
He has anointed men for battle. Who will intercede until they have no strength left.
Who was David.
(1) called of God. Prepared in the backside of the desert.
He will send you where you’re uncomfortable to prepare you for the battle to come. Your are call upon to be responsible.
(2) your are a worshipper. Don’t be afraid to dance in the house and in the presence of God
Worship is a weapon that torments the devil. Your outer garment when you were in the world was the clothes put on you by the devil so as you have an encounter with God you must worship until they fall off. You will be clothed afresh by God.
(3) we are warriors.
War for your nation your children your daughter
(4) family man. Come home to your family. And ensure they are well taken care of. Allow your children to see you loving and taking care of your wife
(5) praying fathers. Enjoy being in the house of God
Men enjoy being in God’s presence constantly.
The enemy has taken a hold of our nation. It has been invaded by the devil. It has been taken captive
Men don’t be afraid when we weep in the presence of God he will give you direction on how to recapture our nation.
Pursue, overtake and recover all. Don’t pass the person on the road from the raiding bands because he has the keys to our victory.