July 28th 2019 Sermon Notes
Speaker:Apostle Lucille Baird
Theme: Do not lose hope
Text: 1 Psalm 121
The picture the devil paints to you makes you lose hope but God paints only good.
She has been through some hopeless times in her life. She was diagnosed with Rhuematic fever and that and pregnancy. She was told that if she had the baby it would be dangerous. She was told that if she gets pregnant she will lose the baby and herself.
We have to hold hope because our hope others depends on it. in the midst of her hopelessness a light shine through and Hope came through.
If she had allowed hopelessness she would not have her daughter and grandchildren.
It is not over til God says it's over. You will live and not die and declare the Glory of God. The devil can take life if we lose Faith.
The devil comes to steal your joy and Hope and destroy you. BUT
Jesus comes too and He comes to give us abundance.
The plan for our lives in never out of the control
Hope: Biblical meaning: confident expectation of what God has promised and it's strength in His faithlesness.
The Church is built on that hope and we cannot lose it and we refuse to lose it.
Hope: Greek:To anticipate usually with pleasure ;favorable and confident expectation ; a forward look with assurance
Hope the longest
wait for it the longest
look for it the longest~Pearl Harbor, the movie
The Christian hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that he will do what he says. I trust God with my life.
use the word back to The enemy: God says ALL things work together... Trust God to see for us.
You will always hear hopeful prayers and sermons from this platform. Keep praying keep praising keep going keep moving.
Hope is not looking for the West Indies cricket team to win a match.
Hope is not a hope so but a know so
Hope is not hoping for the best
it is the knowledge of facts
Sure anchor of the soul . a Faith that cannot be moved. The assurance that it cannot happen.
Job: 1: 6- 22 don't charge God foolishly.