• John Maxwell A Day of Leadership introduced by Patrick Tannis hosted by Mount Zion's Missions Inc Barbados Foursquare Church
  • John Maxwell seminar with Marie-Lucie Spoke Diana Kenoly and Patrick Tannis hosted by Mount Zion's Missions Inc Barbados Foursquare Church
  • John Maxwell seminar with Marie-Lucie Spoke Diana Kenoly and Patrick Tannis hosted by Mount Zion's Missions Inc Barbados Foursquare Church
  • John Maxwell seminar with Marie-Lucie Spoke Diana Kenoly and Patrick Tannis hosted by Mount Zion's Missions Inc Barbados Foursquare Church
  • John Maxwell seminar with Marie-Lucie Spoke Diana Kenoly and Patrick Tannis hosted by Mount Zion's Missions Inc Barbados Foursquare Church
  • John Maxwell seminar with Marie-Lucie Spoke Diana Kenoly and Patrick Tannis hosted by Mount Zion's Missions Inc Barbados Foursquare Church

The John Maxwell Team Executive Director - Rev. Patrick Tannis

Thank you Rev Patrick for bringing this John Maxwell A Day of Leadership to Barbados.

Patrick is a Managing Director with a demonstrated history of success in the banking industry.

Highly skilled in Currency Management, Negotiation, Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, Digital Currencies, Budgeting, Business Planning, Analytical Skills, and Coaching.

Rev Patrick has phenomenal public speaking and teaching skills.

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Daily Dozen for successful leadership:

John Maxwell A Day of Leadership promoted by Patrick Tannis hosted by Mount Zion's Missions Inc Barbados Foursquare Church 1. Attitude
Maintaining a positive attitude is a well known success ingredient. It is important to step back and evaluate your current state, especially when you are dealing with the stress of daily life.

2. Priorities
Make sure you work on the things that are most important daily. It is easy for us to get caught up with the urgent.

3. Health
Evaluate your eating choices each day and make sure you have scheduled exercise time as if it was a meeting with a key client.
John Maxwell A Day of Leadership promoted by Patrick Tannis hosted by Mount Zion's Missions Inc Barbados Foursquare Church 4. Family
Family can easily end up at the bottom of the to do list, if family time appears on your schedule at all. Make sure to spend time on what is really important in lifeā€¦ your family.

5. Thinking
Spend at least one hour each day in reflection. Ideally, you should be away from the daily hustle and bustle.

6. Commitment
Ensure that any promises you have made are being acted upon. Check that any items you have delegated are on schedule.
John Maxwell A Day of Leadership promoted by Patrick Tannis hosted by Mount Zion's Missions Inc Barbados Foursquare Church 7. Finances
Be wise with every expenditure.

8. Faith
Revisit and strengthen your belief system through quiet meditation and study. Strengthen your spiritual foundation.

9. Relationships
Life is about relationships. Make sure you have a relationship management system and keep on top of it.
John Maxwell A Day of Leadership promoted by Patrick Tannis hosted by Mount Zion's Missions Inc Barbados Foursquare Church 10. Generosity
Spend time each day thinking and giving thanks for all the great people and things in your life. Then think how you can express that gratitude today.

11. Values
Review your core values and make sure that your daily activities are in alignment. Eliminate those items that do not conform to your core values.

12. Growth
Find ways to learn each day, either through new experiences or active learning.

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