What a pleasure to have the Patron of Ruth and Esther Ministry, Dame Sandra Mason, present with us this evening at our Independence Banquet, under the theme "Celebrating your Womanhood and Inheritance."
For those of you who may not be aware, Dame Sandra Mason, at the time when we addressed her as Madame Justice graciously accepted our offer to be the Patron of the ministry.
The Ruth and Esther ministry is comprised of single ladies from age 18. The ministry is geared toward helping these ladies emotionally, socially and physically.
Dame Sandra Mason has spent time with the ladies joining us for Award seminars Retreats, Special Dinners and Breakfast Outings.
Called to the Nations
4th Avenue Rock Dundo, St. James
Barbados, West Indies
Tel: (246) 422-2512 (office)(246) 432-6479
Email: mzm.ministries@gmail.com
Banking Details
Bank name: Republic Bank (Barbados) Limited
Bank address: Independence Square
Barbados, West Indies
Tel: (246) 431-5700
Email: info@republicbarbados.com Website:www.republicbarbados.com
Account name: Mount Zion's Missions Inc
Account number: 068062762002
Bank Code: 006