Good Friday Service 2023:
Introduction of Speaker:
1st Speaker: Min Andrew Octave
His Mission and Ministry: What did he say?
Matt 16:22-23; Luke 9:56; Luke 4:16-21; Luke 19:9-10; John 5: 24-30; 6:35-40
2nd Speaker: Min Juan Goodman
His Denial and Betrayal: What did he say?
Matt 17: 22-23; Matt 26:20-25; 31-34; Mark 14: 17-21, 27-31; Luke 9:43-45; John 6:70; John 13:8-27;
Spoken Word:
Mercy Stood: Dramatized by Pastor Alex Baird
3rd Speaker: Elder Joseph Griffith
He will be Alone and Accused: What did he say?
Matt 16: 21; Matt 26:57; 20: 17-19; Mark 8:31-32, Mark 9;30-32; Mark 10:32-34; Mark 14: 32-42; is Luke 9: 21-22; John 13: 33;
4th Speaker: Apostle Chris Baird
He will Suffer and Die: What did he say?
Matthew - 16:21-23, Matt 17: 17-19,22-23; Heb. 9:28, Mark 8:31-32; Mark 14: 6-9; Luke 18: 31-34; Luke 22:14-22; 23:43; Luke 23:46; John 3: 14-17; John 12:7-8; John 14: 25-29
Before each Speaker we will re-enact short scenes via video showing the parts that will be preached on. We want to realistically bring it further by having a reporter interview “eyewitness” on the 1st and last speakers. Making it both visual and imaginative of how people would have felt.