• Professor Gary Matsdorf visits Mount Zion's Missions Inc Barbados Foursquare Church hosts Foursquare Regional Training day 3
  • Professor Gary Matsdorf visits Mount Zion's Missions Inc Barbados Foursquare Church hosts Foursquare Regional Training day 3
  • Professor Gary Matsdorf visits Mount Zion's Missions Inc Barbados Foursquare Church hosts Foursquare Regional Training day 3
  • Professor Gary Matsdorf visits Mount Zion's Missions Inc Barbados Foursquare Church hosts Foursquare Regional Training day 3
  • Professor Gary Matsdorf visits Mount Zion's Missions Inc Barbados Foursquare Church hosts Foursquare Regional Training day 3
  • Professor Gary Matsdorf visits Mount Zion's Missions Inc Barbados Foursquare Church hosts Foursquare Regional Training day 3
  • Professor Gary Matsdorf visits Mount Zion's Missions Inc Barbados Foursquare Church hosts Foursquare Regional Training day 3

Foursquare Regional Training

Mount Zion's Missions Inc Barbados Foursquare Church is delighted to be hosting the Foursquare Regional Leaders Conference, with Foursquare Area Missionary to the Caribbean Rev Dave Stone staying on as guest speaker for our 23rd Anniversary Convention.
Numerous CARICOM countries were represented including Foursquare Leaders from Suriname and French Guyana, in total 33 persons from 17 countries.
Grenada was represented by Pastor Jacque Antoine and Pastor Joseph George both Missionaries there.
Pastor Juan Carlos Pérez Gómez the National leader of Dominican Republic and the leader of the Regional Leaders Committee, was welcomed and Pastor Charlie Finocchiaro and his wife Darla returned to Barbados again.
Pastor Gareth Phillips and Kimberly Crow flew down from Jamaica. Other leaders included Foursquare Puerto Rico National Leader Rubén “Ray” Nieves.
Haiti National Leader Jean Erius Bellande was present.

Foursquare Regional Training

Pastor Charlie Finocchiaro Pastor Charlie and Darla Finocchiaro, Foursquare Missionaries, incorporated The Foursquare Church in the Dominican Republic 14 years ago, they have faithfully pastored believers there with the hope that a new generation of leaders would emerge to lead Foursquare ministry in the nation. Through partnerships with other missionary teams and Charlie’s church staff , now children, youth and adults are being discipled to fully follow Christ. Charlie says it is just a matter of time before indigenous leaders from among these disciples will assume full responsibility for their own Dominican national church movement.
Rev. Juan Carlos Pere new National Foursquare Leader the first national leader for Dominican Rebublic, seen here addressing the leaders at the Foursquare Regional Training Rev. Juan Carlos Pere new National Foursquare Leader the first national leader for Dominican Rebublic, seen here addressing the leaders at the Foursquare Regional Training at Mount Zion's Missions Barbados Foursquare Church.
Pastor Jacque Antoine Pastor Jacque Antoine joined the staff of Foursquare Missions International in June 2001. In February 2003 she was deployed to serve as a missionary to the Eastern Caribbean. Jacque resides in Grenada. Jacque serves on the Board of Directors for the Grenada Foursquare Church. She has also been appointed to serve as one of the Presbyters with the Barbados Foursquare Church.
Foursquare Jamaica President Dr. Gareth Phillips Foursquare Jamaica President Dr. Gareth Phillips officially came into ministry as a Lay Minister in 1999 at Liberty World Outreach Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA. In April 2004, he was ordained a Minister of Religion for ICFG, Jamaica. Since that time, he has served as Vice President, Member of the Executive Cabinet, District Supervisor, Chair of the By-Laws Committee, and President and faculty of Lighthouse International Foursquare Evangelism (LIFE) Bible College. He is currently a Pastor at the Cassia Park, Foursquare Church.
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