August 4th 2019 Sermon Notes
Speaker:Rev Elvis Goodman
Theme:Your will be done.
Text: 1 Matthew 26: 36-42
Will: A strong desire or determination or wish a willingness to go somewhere
The will of God is:
Gods laws
Gods desire ( no one should fall from grace )
Gods permissive will ( the world will get more and more corrupt)what God allows to happen.
Be specific in our prayers so that we can move the hand of God in particular situations. Remember what we bind on earth is bound in heaven and what we loose on earth is loosed in heaven
Pray for Gods will be done
The devil knows your business. Don’t allow everyone to know your business
The human nature will want us to step aside but we must put that aside and say lord not my will but yours be done.
Jesus on the cross took our sins so that Gods grace may abound towards us
We must be concerned about the things that God is concerned about.
Abuse, unfairness , molestation. Wrongdoing anything that is ungodly
The battle continues.
Whoever has your will has your soul. Kill the old man daily. don’t give the devil a scotch in your life or he will gain a seat eventually. Drive him out daily. Live in the spirit and Gods will will dominate in your life.
God give us a free will he didn’t create us to be robots he wants us to worship him freely he wants us to love him with a free will.
When God nudges you go in that direction don’t retreat but give in obey the nudge of the lord. Respond to the will of God right away because his timing is right on time.
Today God is saying to rise up don’t mind the objections but do the will of God for your life